
Thursday 29 November 2012

why is it always harder for me to make a card for someone to give to someone else to order rather than just make a card because?? Yet for others people it's the opposite they find it hard to just make a card!!!!!
Any way here's a card I was commissioned to create for a friend to give to her parents to celebrate their 40th wedding anniversary

 What do you think?

Have fun xxx

Wednesday 21 November 2012

It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas every where you go.....even here!!!!!!!!
Have fun xxx

Thursday 1 November 2012

Wow where has the time gone!!!!!
Suddenly it's the 1st of November! Did every one have a fun Halloween?
Here's a picture of a little project I made using a Halloween theme. Sorry about the poor photography I really am useless with a camera!! lol
Well we are all on the run till Christmas now so how's you shopping going? I've started but how hard is it to buy for teenage boys???? All that he wants is more xbox games!!! and boy they don't come cheap!! any way at least buying for my 2 girls is sooooooo much easier :)
Any way back to the table to get ready for tomorrows class :) much more fun than shopping any day lol
Have fun x