Tuesday, 3 January 2023

Tip tricks and techniques Tuesday Two-tone Flora

 Today I'm  sharing a huge tip, Huge I say! But first a little back story.... you sit down to create a project to showcase a gorgeous stamp set, it's  called Two-tone Flora 😉, you're mind is filled with great ideas. You know the colour palette,  the layout, everything so you set to work.

I don't know about you but when my mind has the picture it doesn't always translate to what my hands can create. But sometimes,  on that rare occasion it all goes to plan!! Amazing 😁

I had the stamps, the dies,  the ink and made it happen woo hoo!!! I was so happy with the way it turned out. When I'm  creating for my posts I create the project then take photos... simple just tidy up ...then .... it happened!!!

Two tone flora stampin up shades of blue gratitude card

The ink pad wasn't closed 😱... omg it slipped and fell... straight onto my finished sample 🥺😱😖 

I was so cross! And to make matters worse it was my own fault! So what do you do when that happens? Well firstly I finished tidying up and made sure that the ink pads where all closed of course! 

I then carefully took the card apart and salvaged what I could. I  restamped what I needed then adhered it back together again and voila sample mark 2!

Two tone flora stampin up shades of blue gratitude card

It turned out exactly as I wanted. I love the way the shades of blue all work so well together. The pops of bright green really set the blues off well.
I love how the 2 step stamped images work so well. All the floral images in this set are so pretty that I had to use them on the inside too.

Two tone flora stampin up shades of blue gratitude card

Sooo my top tip for this Tuesday is.... Close your ink pads as soon as you have inked your stamp!!! 😅

Two tone flora stampin up shades of blue gratitude card