Saturday 10 September 2016

Recipe box instructions. ....

This is just a quick tutorial for the recipe box. It can be decorated to suit any occasion...
So here we go...
Take apiece of card 29 cm x 15 cm and score along the long side at 2 cm,  13 cm,  18cm and 27.5 cm.  See below
Next take a piece of card 10 cm  x 15cm and score it at 5 cm and 10cm on the long side.see below
I have used a corner rounder punch to round the corners on one sie of the card. Place adhesive on the opposite end. 
Then carefully line the adhesive edge up to the 27.5 cm score line on the previous piece.
Next take a piece of card measuring 12cm x 9.5 cm.  Score at 1.5 cm,  3 cm,  4.5 cm, 6 3,  7.5 cm, 9 cm and 10.5 cm on the long side as below
You will need 2 pieces like this . They form the sides of the box. Once scored accordion fold them.make sure to use a bone folder to reinforce the folds. 
Apply adhesive to each long edge as below
then attatch to the side of the long piece of card at the 1cm line upward. It's hard to explain so here's a photo to help you! Lol
Repeat on the other side and fold the 18 cm to 27.5 cm side over to create the box. The lid folds over to close the box. I used wafer thin magnets to create a closure for my box. I then decorated to fit the occasion.  
The dividers in side are made from 15cm x 9.5 cm pieces of card that I attached labels to to create name tabs.
Well I hope that this all makes sense if you need any advice just leave a comment and I'll get back to you 
Have fun
Cary ☺ x 

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