Wednesday 11 March 2020

Watercolour Wednesday

Gill and I hold regular classes every month. We take it in turns to design for each class and often ask our attendees what they'd like us to create for class. Sometimes they want us to use a certain stamp set or show them a certain technique.
Well one of our attendees asked for a class showcasing the...Stamparatus!! This fantastic tool is a stamp positioning tool par excellence!!!
One of the fun techniques that I showed was called the Stamparatus Slap! And the reason I'm sharing it with you today on watercolour Wednesday is because it uses lots of water!!
Firstly position your stamp in the stamparatus and stazon ink to stamp the image onto shimmery white cardstock .
Now clean your stamp and taking Stampin write markers colour your stamp. Now spritz the stamp with water, about 6 to 10 sprays depending on the size of the stamp just make sure its wet!
Now the fun part quickly slap the plate closed! Lift back and mop up your plate up.
If there are puddles on your work gently use the corner of a piece of kitchen roll to wick it away. Now let the piece dry, you can use a heat tool if you're impatient like me 😉.
 If the ink doesn't splat quite the way you'd like it too you can repeat the process solong as you don't move the stamp and place your card in the same place.
I hope you like this slightly messy but fun water coulouring technique 😊

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