Wednesday 20 May 2020

Watercolour Wednesday

I love a watercolour wash.
Do you?
But are you always happy with your first result?
I'm not!
Sometimes it's didn't work out quite the way I wanted or the effect was too big or the colours didn't merge quite the way I wanted them to....
But stop!
 Don't disgard them they maybe just what you need to complete your project!
Today's card is a perfect example of that. I created a wash wasn't keen so did a second and I'm glad I did!.
My sample looked ok but was missing something...but what?
Then I spied my cast off piece and my brain whirled and bing the light went on!
I dug out some beautiful butterfly dies and set to work.
With careful placement I die cut the embellishments for my card that were perfectly coordinated to the project!
So my advice today...don't thow away your less than perfect attemp at watercolour washes... they might  end up being the  crown jewels on your project!

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